Friday, February 12, 2010

Tune Eclipse on Mac OS X

Taken from this page on

After you downloaded the Eclipse package, decompress it. Locate your
Right-click it and select Show Package Contents.
Under Contents/MacOS, locate the eclipse.ini file. Open it with a text editor.
At the end of the file, add two lines:

Save and close the file.

To that I would add changing the following settings:

And add the server option:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Is it normal for less than 1% of the users of an iPhone app to rate it in iTunes? The app we spent the fall working on is in the store, and less than 1% of people who downloaded it, have rated it in iTunes. However there are many more who have tweeted about it on twitter or commented on blogs. See the mentions page on the website for examples.

I plan to write more about the whirlwind experience releasing Taco Loco this winter, but this is what is on my mind at the moment.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Twitter Code

Twitter API client code in Objective-C

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

On Cocoa Threading

Tutorial on NSOperation and NSOperationQueue From Cocoa Is My Girlfriend

Apple Docs on Threading
- You may need a developer account to read these.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Apple Docs on Introspection

This is the page with the best practical discussion of Introspection I have found, and it has a 1 line example: Cocoa Core Competencies: Introspection

Also of interest is the NSObject Protocol document.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Basic Tips iPhone Development

I wish this page had been available when I started iPhone development. Its a nice 50,000 foot description of the basics for someone who is a developer, but is new to Apple development.

But be careful, while its a good intro, there are mistakes and things not explained as clearly as they should be. For example the dot-notation to access instance variables comment. This is "kinda true" but not strictly accurate, the dot-notation is short hand for calling the getter and setter methods of the instance variables, it doesn't access the instance variables directly.

(Matt Legend Gemmell - iPhone Development Emergency Guide)